For iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free
For iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free

  • Chess database of ~3M games updated weekly from.
  • Selectable problem difficult (Easy, Medium and Hard Problems).
  • 2900+ chess problems to solve looking for the best moves: problems collected by Uwe Auerswald, from Germany.
  • Supports wild chess variants: Atomic, Losers, Suicide and Chess960.
  • Forward and Backward buttons are converted on Confirm/Cancel buttons
  • Option to confirm the move before sending it to the server.
  • Premove option: You can introduce the next movement in your opponent’s turn.
  • Timeseal (FICS) and Timestamp (ICC): avoids lag problems.
  • Console to see server output and to send commands, also for chatting with other users.
  • for iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free

  • Game History: you can examine or send by email all your played games.
  • for iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free

  • Messages: read and send messages to other users.
  • Observe current played games in the chess server or follow highest rated games.
  • Play, Finger and Observe, can also observe LectureBot on FICS or play ProblemBot/TrainingBot on ICC.
  • Takeback, draw, abort, resign and rematch options while playing.
  • Can sort seek list by username, rating or game time
  • On closing, saves the current game and it is loaded when the application is restarted.
  • Graphical setup board, also can edit position’s FEN notation (*).
  • Send PGN by email: This way, you can analyze later your games on your PC.
  • Opening book with more than 30.000 positions: ensures variated funny games.
  • Selectable time per move: changing the ELO and the time per move, lots of difficulty levels can be selected.
  • for iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free

  • Selectable ELO Levels to adjust playing strength, from 500 to 2100, on 50 ELO points steps.
  • The best app for chess lovers, with Android and HTML5 interfaces, and with lots of possibilities.

    For iphone instal Mobialia Chess Html5 free